I, Ethel Larson, was born on October 7, 1902 at Ogden, Weber, Utah. I was born in the home of my parents at West 20th street. A midwife Mrs. Hathaway attended my birth. On Dcember 7th I was blessed by Peter Anderson.
I was the last of ten children. My father was Eric Wilhelm Larson. My mother was Sigrid Sofia Ingeborg Ekenberg. I had five sisters: Erica Sofia, Age 20; Ebba Ingeborg, age 13; Ellen Alfreda, age 11; Hildur Margareta, age 9: and Astrid Eleanora, age 3. My brothers were: Carl Wilhelm, age 18; Eric Arvid, age 16; John Elis, age 6; and Edel Harris, who died at age 3, about a year and a half before I was born.
My parents had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Orebro, Sweden in 1884. They were baptized by Joseph Anderson on February 15 and confirmed the same day by Joseph Anderson. Years later, through the help of a Swedish missionary, they were able to borrow money and send my brother Carl to America in 1899 when he was 16 years old.
He went to a home of a former missionary in Ogden, Utah. Then my father left for America and next was mother with the five youngest children. Erica, 18 years old, and Ebba, 11 and Ellen, who was only 9 were left behind. I can only admire my mother who had such great faith and courage to separate her family and go to a strange country. Whenever my sisters talked of this years later we would all dissolve in tears.
They had only been here a short time when three year old Edel died but it was through this sad occasion that it became known that three children were still in Sweden. Through the kindness of a man named Linquist, a mortician, and the help of Peter Ernstrom, an elder who had converted my parents, money was raised to send for Erica, Ebba, and Ellen.
Now the whole family was here and it was 1901. I came along the next year, the tenth and last child.
Fond memories are uppermost in my mind when I think of the next 10 years spent in Ogden, Utah. We were able to move to a home with some land and acquire some animals. I was too young to know that my father worked very hard to payoff the debt incurred in getting his family to America. He also worked hard on the acre of ground he owned to grow vegetables and fruit for the family and feed for the cow and horse he owned. We also had chickens.
But I do know my mother worked very hard to help take care of the animals and garden besides the daily chores of keeping a family fed and clean. No one but Mother ever milked the cow. I do not think she trusted anyone else to do it. Later on I helped feed the chickens and during the hot summer months when the cow was milked outdoors I had to stand with a large branch and wave it back and forth over the cow to keep the flies away. I was always afraid of that cow but loved the horse and was never afraid to ride it and as a game ed to run under his stomach. Buck and King were the names I remember of two of the horses we had.
Papa, as we called Father, took great pride in his horse and kept him well-curried and brushed and when Buck was hitched to the surrey with the fringe on top it was a sight I loved. Then Eleanora and I dressed in our best and with Mother and Father would go visiting on a Sunday afternoon, or to Church, or to town on a Saturday night to buy groceries and often take in a movie. I guess I remember the grocery store being the best because we traded with Mr. Olson, a kind man, who had also come from Sweden and always had time to talk with us and when Papa paid the monthly bill he handed us a sack of candy. My parents had many Swedish friends and I will always remember the good times we had together.

My brother Art (Eric Arvid) had left home to join the Navy and Erica worked at the Broom Hotel.
The other children were in school but it was difficult for them until they could speak and understand English. None of them went past the eighth grade and the boys went to work at an early age.
Papa was working at Beckers Brewery as a cooper and eventually Carl and Elis worked there also. Papa had learned his trade in the old country and knew it well. He was later to go on two missions but they always kept his job for him.
My sister Eleanora, three years older than I, became very ill with a crippling disease when she was only three years old. It lasted for nearly three years but she was finally able to walk with the aid of crutches and an iron foundation fastened on the shoe of one foot because one leg had seemed to shorten and not grow during the illness. Her whole body was thrown to one side and as an exercise she would carry a heavy bag of sand to help pull her body to an upright position. Astrid (Eleanora) was always a prayerful child full of faith and she knew if she went through the Salt Lake Temple and received a blessing that she could walk without crutches.
In her early teens this is exactly what happened and she did walk without her crutches. The heavy shoe was also not worn and although she walked with a limp and her head was still slightly forced to one side she was a happy girl and always fun to be with. She played as rough as anyone and I can truly say I did not notice the limp even though I knew it was there.
Now another sadness was to come to us when I was very young and so I can remember very little of
it. At school one day Hildur was hit by a hard snowball thrown playfully by a boy. It struck her on the temple causing her to bleed internally and after three months she died at the age of fourteen. The family always spoke so lovingly of her that I know we all missed having another wonderful sister to grow up with.
A duty that was mine but one I enjoyed was carrying milk to some of the neighbors who bought it from us. Mother would pour it into a large lard bucket and the recipient would take the bucket and empty it into her own pan and hand me back the bucket. I knew all these neighbors well and they treated me fine. One of the families owned a small store and when the Grandma came to the door she would slip me an all day sucker from under her apron. On cool evenings, Mama would take a large black shawl, put it over my shoulders, take the ends and tie them behind my back leaving my hands free to carry the milk. Also if I had a smudge on my face she would lift a corner of her apron and with a little spit in it wipe the smudge off. This practice seemed all right to me, I supposed all mothers did it to some extent.
One Saturday night as I carried the milk to a close neighbor and was going through the gate in the fence that adjoined our yard I saw a man, who had lived in the vicinity some time ago, hiding beside the porch step. As I approached he put his fingers to his lips for me not to say anything, which, of course, frightened me and when the door was slightly opened by George, the not too bright son of the family, I tried to push my way in but George said he was bathing and to wait on the step while he emptied the bucket. No doubt his bath was being taken. in the kitchen in the big wash tub as most of us had in that day. Anyway as soon as I got that bucket I ran home and told Mama. She took my hand and we walked to another neighbor, Mr. Burton, who was a policeman and had a revolver. He ran to George's assistance who was by this time being beaten by the man who was hiding. Soon the Black Maria, as we called the police wagon, was there and the assailant was put in it, but before he left he asked for a drink of water. George shook his head "no" he would not give him one, so at a whisper from Mama once more I ran home and got a drink for the man. Now I never did find out what it was all about but for a short time I thought I had saved George's life.
I have happy memories of attending Primary in the home of the Wilkinsons, our neighbors, and the family of Ernest Wilkinson, who later became President of BYU. Sister Wilkinson was a wonderful teacher. We were living in the Glasgow Addition and were far away from the 3rd Ward and too small to walk that far. Later we moved and were in the 10th ward and could walk to Church. Sister Elizabeth Shaw was a sweet and loving Primary President with fine teachers I loved. I don't think I ever missed Primary. I was in many programs and first learned to dance the Two Step from one of the teachers.
I started school at the age of 6 attending the Ogden Mond Fort Elementary School at the corner of 12th Street and Washington. We were driven to school in a covered livery school wagon driven by two horses. All of the children of the neighborhood were picked up at a certain corner. I had a special friend Thelma Kilstrom I would sit with and everything seemed like fun. Some of my other close friends were Gwen Nelson, Elaine Parry, Grace Parry, Lucy Suntz, Edna smith and my sister Eleanora. My favorite teachers were Miss Farr, Miss Powell, Miss Kirkpatrick and Miss Frost. Miss Pearce was our sweet and understanding principal. The outstanding thing I remember was the several programs I took part in and my sister Erica making costumes for me. One was a Japanese kimono for a play put on by several schools in the Orpheum Theater. I sat with a group using our fans and singing.
In April of 1909, Erica, Ellen, John, Eleanora and I were sealed to our parents in the Salt Lake Temple. Edel, who had passed away was also sealed to Mother and Father. I was baptized on June 4, 1911 by Edward Phillips in the 10th Ward of Ogden, Utah. On August 4, 1913 my father was given his patriarchal blessing and then in September 1913 when I was ten my father left on a mission to Sweden so we moved closer to town to a home with no land to take care of. By this time all of my sisters and brothers were either married or supporting themselves except Eleanora and I. It was with the support of the older children that my father was able to go on his mission. We were now living just a few blocks from the 10th ward so we could walk to primary, Religion Class and MIA.
Christmas was a big event in our lives. Being Swedish we celebrated Christmas Eve by having a traditional Swedish supper consisting of a fish called lutefisk. This was a sort of dried cod, that looked like a long stiff board. The fish was soaked in a brine for several weeks and eventually when it was cooked came out white, fluffy and delicious served with milk gravy or melted butter. We also had brown sweet beans, fluffy potatoes, vegetable and for dessert a rice pudding and many sweet breads and cookies. The tree was set in the parlor in the middle of the floor with many colored candles, strings of cranberries and popcorn, apples, candy and cookies and lovely ornaments. We would dance around this tree singing Swedish songs. Later the presents were passed out. Hair ribbons, beads, doll dishes, a toy piano and usually a new dress was among the gifts and one year my sister and I received dolls with two hidden strings. When one was pulled it said "Mama"and the other said "Papa".
Long black stockings, shoes with laces and long legged underwear kept us warm. Central heating was not heard of and we burned coal in the kitchen and a heating stove in the parlor. At night I remember Mama wrapping hot bricks off the stove in newspaper and putting in bed to warm our feet. My clothes were all homemade and made by my older sister Erica. Once I had a coat made out of an old overcoat of my Fathers. It was warm but so heavy I could hardly run in it. I hated the long underwear and so I wouldn't have a ridge around the tops of my shoes I would pull the leg of the underwear under my foot and it kept this shape even when washed.
MIA was a wonderful experience from the very beginning. I took part in debates and giving talks. I even took the lead in a show that was great fun. Grace Parry was my best friend and we attended many dances after MIA and learned to dance with boys. We took hikes up into the mountains, also. We had fine teachers and a lovely sister Green who was President and did everything to make a success and to keep the members interested and happy. Later special meetings were put on by the MIA on the first Sunday of the month. Arvilla Parry, Grace's sister, was the President and we had many Church speakers who were an inspiration to all of us. There were also beautiful programs of musical numbers which I often took part in.
Special teachers that I remember were William McKay, David Jacobs, Doc Lind, and sister Tanner. I graduated from high school and went on to a special Business Course which I graduated from in May 1921.
Ever since my father returned from his mission he yearned for a piece of land again so we moved out on 7th Street in the 8th Ward. I loved this place as it had almost every type of fruit tree and many berries. I now had to take the street car to Weber College but we were near the Church. We did get another horse and surrey but there were so few of them on the street anymore that we sadly sold both.
Now my parents were getting older and this place was almost more than they could take care of. Throughout all these years my father had always worked at the brewery and he could still do that so we moved back on 21st Street in the 4th Ward. I could now walk to Weber and we were still near a Church. I taught Sunday School and loved Mutual with the many dances, plays and programs. I had taken a Dramatic Art course in Weber so was called on to give readings. Later on I studied with Minnie Moore Brown and she sent me to other wards and once to the Reform School to appear on their programs. It was probably because of this training I was asked to represent the 4th Ward at Sunday School Conference in Salt Lake City. The other two speakers were Junius Tribe and Llewellyn McKay, both good friends of mine. We were to make up our own talk of 3 minutes. I had worked very hard on mine and had it memorized so well that when I finally gave it in the Tabernacle and was so frightened I could hardly stand, it came out loud and clear.
Apostle David o. McKay and his family lived in the 4th Ward at that time and although the Apostle was away from home a great deal I have many wonderful memories of hearing him speak at Weber and one personal experience when I called for his daughter Lou Jean to attend something at the Ward. He was home and took us each by the arm and walked us to Church. It was really a thrill and I have thought since it was a kindness to his daughter because he was away from home so often. Sister McKay was a beautiful woman with her lovely smile, and dark eyes and hair. The smaller youngsters were all very good looking and I'll always remember little Emma Rae, who I had in my Sunday School Class. Before they moved to Salt Lake City Emma wrapped her arms around me and said she didn't want to leave her Sunday School teacher. We then moved back to the l0th Ward and I lost my personal contact with the McKays.

Our family always had a close relationship. Many wonderful family gatherings were held and every Christmas Eve was observed in the Scandinavian tradition with all the family gathering at the home of my parents. The usual lutefisk was served at supper. Gifts were then distributed and we would dance around the Christmas tree singing "Nu De Yule Agin".
In 1922, my 26 year old brother Elis was killed while walking. A smart alec young man named Dee Mar was driving after he had been drinking and ran over Elis. I remember that early the next morning Papa said not to blame the boy. That same year, Edith, the wife of my brother Carl, died of consumption, leaving two small children, Mildred and Harold. Mother took Harold and Erica had Mildred live with her and Carl lived with my sister Ebba.
Ferrell Anderson came to work in the shoe department of the Golden Rule in June of 1922 and we were soon dating and were married November 6, 1923 by Bishop Terry of Ogden l0th Ward. We lived in an apartment in the 4th Ward. Our first child Richard was born August 24, 1924, a lovely, healthy baby whom we enjoyed very much. He was blessed by my father Erick W Larson in October of 1924.
That fall Mother became ill and had to undergo an operation which she never recovered from, dying the 15th of December 1924. Christmas that year was a sad one but we all met together on Christmas Eve and tried to carry on as usual. Some months later my father went on his second mission to Sweden. Ferrell and I moved into his home in the spring of 1925, bought his Ford car and with the rent and payments on the car he was kept on his mission. My brother Carl, his two children who were 9 and 6 now and my sister Eleanora lived with us.
Dora Soderberg, daughter of Erica and Theo, had trouble with her feet from nearly the time she was born. As a young girl it was hard for her to wear shoes and their doctor decided to operate on her toes of both feet to loosen the cords and make it easier to walk. Both feet and legs were put in casts and kept there for a long time.
Because of this operation it was decided Dora should have a holiday and I would accompany her for a day of fun before hospitalization. Ellen took care of Dickie, as we called him, for the day. Dora and I had lunch, took in a movie and that night went to a basketball game that Ferrell was playing in. It was a commercial team and he and friends enjoyed it very much. We took Dickie to the game where he cheered and called out for "Snowball".
A few days after this Dickie began to cough. Ellen was taking care of Dick and, since it was shortly after Christmas, one of Ellen's boys had given him a hazel nut. As he chewed it he was also jumping and began to cough and choke. Ellen went to his assistance and he seemed all right, but she told me about it. Now Dick coughed as though he had a cold and nothing I did seemed to help. I was pregnant and when I went to see the doctor I mentioned Dick's cough and that it started when he choked on a nut. He became alarmed and had an x-ray taken and there in his lung the nut showed up.
Arrangements were made immediately for Dick to have the nut removed. Through Dr. Stranquist arrangements were made for Dr. Stuiffer(sp) of LDS Hospital to do this. Through bad luck the doctor had the nut in his instrument but it slipped off so when Dick was returned from the operation nothing had been accomplished. The next morning Dick was having a difficult time breathing and when the doctor visited him he made ready for an immediate tracheotomy. We called Ogden and our doctor along with Ferrell's brother Arlow and my sister Erica sped to Salt Lake to be with us. Dick had developed pneumonia and his throat had swelled shutting off his breath. When he was brought back to us a small helpless baby he looked up at me and said "Mama" and no sound came. Dr. Stranquist said it's up to you to explain to him why he can't talk. This I did as best I could telling him that he had a tube in his throat so the sound would not come through. Although Dick was only 28 months he was a very understanding boy.
Everyone went back to Ogden leaving me with Dick. I was allowed to stay right in his room, feed him and take care of him. The tube had to be cleaned out real often as it filled up with pus from his lungs. Dickie was a sweet patient but he was very ill and had no appetite. He was administered to by the visiting Elders and one Elder especially promised he would get well.
Finally, we brought him back to Ogden. By now he felt pretty well but he was very thin and pale and still could not talk so I gave him a bell he would ring when he needed me. One day I took the tube out to clean it and when I tried to put it back the flesh had closed too tightly. I couldn't force it back. I called the doctor and he said to leave it out which I did.
Erica left Dora, who was now recuperating from her operation and had casts on both feet, to come
with me. We borrowed $600 to make the trip. Although this was a costly operation we only had to pay $3 a day while Dick was there. We were told an Indian Prince had just had his son there for the same operation and had paid a handsome sum thus making it easier for those who had no money.
Erica had written the Elders and they were at the train to meet us and escort us to a hotel. The next day we entered Dick into the hospital. A little pink silkalene quilt Erica had made was a favorite of Dickie's and we had it along for his comfort. It was hard for us to leave him alone in Dr. Jackson's busy clinic and I was glad he had the quilt for comfort. We were allowed to visit Dick an hour each day and he seemed happy but it broke our hearts to leave him.
One day when we came to visit we learned that an operation had been performed but they didn't get the nut. We learned from one nurse that Dick hadn't coughed since the operation, however. This was a good sign and Erica suggested we take him home. At this time I couldn't agree so I wrote Dr. Stranquist and also Ferrell. Both answered you are there and will have to decide. It was a hard decision to make and on returning to the hotel after visiting Dick I threw myself on the bed and prayed for help. At once I knew just what to do and ran to the phone and asked that Dick be released the next day. When we arrived at the hospital the next day I was asked to sign a release saying I had refused to abide by the doctor's advice. I readily signed without any qualms. We were thankful for the hospital's care but felt we were doing the right thing. Dick never coughed again and I believe during a coughing spell the nut was loosened.
Dick and I joined Ferrell in May at Evanston where he had rented a nice large furnished six-room house. I went back to Ogden for the birth of David and stayed at Erica's home who always made us so welcome. David was born June 25, 1927 at Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah. He was blessed by my father Erick W Larson at the Soderberg home and his record was forwarded to Evanston Ward, Woodruff Stake.
In October, 1928 J C Penney purchased the Golden Rule chain and in March 1929 Ferrell was appointed Assistant Manager. Ferrell was being trained for manager and was called first man. Our life style seemed pretty well set. Harold had come with us from Ogden and lived with us. He had a paper route and was a good baby tender.

Vincent and Marge Ord came to Evanston as Vince also worked at Penney's. We became very good friends and had many a good times together. Vince owned a Ford coupe and somehow we and our children found room in it and had some wonderful picnics. Ferrell and Vince had some good deer and chicken hunting. They were our very good friends for many years even after leaving Evanston. We lived in Evanston for five years.
Then the big depression began to haunt us. Salaries were cut; employees were laid off. Our fifth child was on the way and I began to long for my family in Ogden. When my sisters Erica and Ellen wrote wishing we lived in Ogden and then Theo offered Ferrell work in his Grocery and Meat Market we left Evanston, or rather Em Collins drove up and helped us pack and then drove the children and me to Ogden where we moved into one of the most disreputable homes. But money was very scarce. Ferrell worked a little longer in Evanston but Penney's had reduced his pay from $150 to $125 and now Theo was going to pay him $20 a week. This home had an apple tree in the back yard which the children loved and was one redeeming feature. The depression was at its worst and we felt lucky to have some money coming in. Peaches were selling for 50 cents a bushel but still were hard to sell. Before Janet was born we moved into a nice home near Ellen and Erica at $20 a month. By now we had acquired our own furniture. Here we used a coal stove and it had no central heating but it had lots of windows and we felt comfortable there.
It was a bad time for Collins as Em had no work. Ray and Ted were going to the BYU and had very little money to go on. When anyone had a birthday we all chipped in and they would get some article of clothing that was needed. Nevertheless we had a good time. We had the use of Theo's delivery truck and we would pile the kiddies in and have fun. Or Ellen would call and say they had 20 cents, how about a movie. They had a car and we often bought gas and for 50 cents a couple we had a big evening. The depression seemed to bring out the best in everyone and there was much good done for anyone less fortunate. It seemed those that had money were ashamed to spend it, so in my opinion the depression lasted longer than it should.
Ferrell was unhappy in this new type of work so when Lorin wrote from Montana asking Ferrell to manage a store in Glendive we were elated and made plans for Ferrell to leave. Ferrell's brother Lorin had been transferred to a Penney's store in Billings, Montana and then had the opportunity of going to Miles city to manage a store for Karl Johnson. Lorin became a partner and they decided to open a Karl Johnson store in Glendive where a family-owned store was going out of business. Ferrell was urged to come to Glendive (about 80 miles from Miles city) to manage the store and use the experience he was trained for. The store had belonged to the Hollecker family.
Ferrell left for Glendive in February 1934. Our five children and I came in May by train. Dick was 10 years old (the oldest) and Janet (the youngest) was 15 months old.
We felt blessed to be given this opportunity but when I and the five children arrived on the train, it seemed to be the end of nowhere. There were no Mormons! A woman who worked at the store advised us not to mention we were Mormons. But we never hid that fact and began to make friends and take part in the community life. We chose to go to the Congregational Church because of friends next door who had children the same ages as ours. We made many fine friends.
In the summer of 1937 two missionaries arrived much to our joy. We had two children (David and Jeanne) ready for baptism. David had just turned 10 and Jeanne was 8. They were baptized in the Yellowstone River by Elder Ray Smith and confirmed by Elder Clarence Stanger.
Our lives began to change at the start of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation Project in 1937. Business began to pick up. Best of all it brought in our first Mormons. One summer day in 1937 the Elders arrived at our home with great news. They had just passed a home not too far away with a Utah car parked in front and people were moving in. We were all so happy. I called on the new family a day or so later. I prayed it would be a family, an active family, and someone we could be very friendly with. When a young woman with a smile came to the door I felt disappointed. I don't know why. She said, "Oh, I'm just helping them get settled. I'll call Mrs. Neely." Jo (Josephine) Neely came to the door. We were around the same age and we were friends at that very moment and are still friends today. They live in Spanish Fork. Her husband Parley passed away on May 24, 1986. Parley was an engineer working for the Buffalo Rapids Project.
We began having Church meetings in our homes. We even included Primary and sometimes invited the neighbor children. Our first missionaries to reside in Glendive were Elder Tingey and Elder Smith. The missionaries presided over the meetings for some time. It was a wonderful experience for them and I marveled that such young men could speak so well. It was our first experience with missionaries.
Those missionaries made a fine impression on the Glendive people. Many would comment to me what fine young men they were. One family especially was impressed enough to open their home for meetings and parties. That family, the Hoffs, eventually moved to Salt Lake city where they all joined the Church. Several other LDS families arrived but when the Project was finished, one by one they were transferred to Williston and other places.
Dick was 15 years old before we acquired a car but we lived near town and did a lot of walking. So it went on for some time. Ferrell was made a Presiding Elder which lessened the work of the missionaries but they still played a big part in teaching and giving us fine spiritual talks which we needed.
Our last child Carole was born November 12, 1939 when we were still living on the Southside. Now we had six! The next year we purchased a larger home on the north side of town called the Heights. It was a two story home with a basement and had been built around the 1900s. You could see the whole town from our bedroom window and look out upon the river from our front porch. It was a home we all loved.
In 1941 Loren and Ferrell purchased the Glendive store and it was renamed Anderson's.
The World War II made some changes in our branch, too. Some Elders who were working in Germany came to Glendive to finish their missions and showed us beautiful pictures of Germany. It was sad to hear what was taking place. They were the last Elders we would have for some time. Ferrell worked hard building up the store and the children grew up working there. Dick had a paper route and a bike which David later inherited. All of the children were active in school activities, track, basketball, band, drill team and cheer leading. We rarely missed a concert or a game and neither did our dogs. It became a familiar sight to see the Anderson dog along with the Samuelson dog out helping Carole cheer lead at the football games.
Ferrell loved basketball and helped by yelling encouragement and sometimes directions to the team, coach, and referee. Ferrell was also a member of the Elks, Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce and the DCHS School Board. We enjoyed playing golf and going fishing and Ferrell took the boys hunting. We had an active, full life in Glendive but I often wished my children had the opportunities of a large primary and MIA program. As it was they were usually the only Mormons in their classes all through school.
Dick and some of his friends worked in Yellowstone Park one summer to help build roads. Dick's job was surveying and it was a great experience for them and lots of fun. Dick graduated from high school in 1942 and instead of getting ready for a mission, he went to Butte School of Mines and was selected to go on for training as an Ensign in Boston and small craft training in Miami. The World War II was raging and missionaries were not being called.

Jeanne went to Utah State in Logan to college and married Stanley Thayne in the Logan Temple in March of 1949. They ended up in Orem, Utah where they opened a Dairy Queen. Later, during the uranium boom he used his geology (graduated with a Master's Degree) to become a consultant for uranium prospectors. Then for the last 20 years Stan worked for the Utah Department of Transportation as a geologist. They raised four boys Steven, Doug, David and Brian and one daughter Carole.
We began meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall for Church and by this time the Derby Whitmers and Audrey Wilkinsen and her two little boys Karl and Fen had come back to Glendive to live. We had some lady missionaries by then and an active Relief Society. Audrey was a big help with her talents and willingness to serve. I remember we served a turkey dinner at the Odd Fellows Hall and sold tickets to just as many people as we could accommodate. It was a big success under the supervision of Audrey. Later, she married Chris Christianson and they both were very supportive. We were sorry when they moved to Livingston but were happy when Fen moved back as a young man with his wife Margie.

Janet graduated as an elementary school teacher in 1955 and worked one year in Billings and then in San Diego, Ca where she met and married Richard Hardy in 1959 who was working in the banking business. They raised two daughters, Linda and Maria and two sons, John and James in the San Diego/La Jolla area.
Through the years many fine active families moved in to enlarge our branch. Some stayed longer than others but sooner or later they would be transferred. We hated to see anyone leave but each left their mark and used their talents and energy to keep the Branch going while they were here.
In 1950 at a conference in Glendive, Ferrell was asked to become Branch President. He served until 1960.
We very seldom had a piano player to accompany us in our singing in the early years but we sang anyway. Also, families were building up the branches in Billings, Miles City, Baker and in North Dakota. The Mission President's home was in Minneapolis and we were in the North Dakota District. We attended conferences as far away as Minot and Bismark and Billings. A morning and afternoon meeting would be held with lunch served between meetings. It was prepared by the members of wherever the conference was held. Most always there was one of the General Authorities who traveled with the Mission President and we were thrilled by their presence and the spiritual food they offered us.
In time we acquired the old Lutheran Church and we had fun hanging curtains, furnishing the kitchen with dishes we brought from our own homes along with other donated articles. We held bake sales to earn money for the things we needed to buy. We had many suppers and get-togethers.
Ferrell retired and we moved to Idaho Falls to let Dick take over the managing of the store in 1960 and Howard Henabrey became the Branch President. The big dream was finally fulfilled when a new chapel was built on the north side in Glendive.
We spent our summers in Silver Gate, Montana near the Yellowstone Park where we built a cabin next door to the Hagenstons and we had many happy fishing trips and family reunions at the cabin.
Ferrell died of a heart attack while fishing with Arky on the Lamar River on August 14, 1967. Arky said that Ferrell called to him and when he reached him and Ferrell was laying down, of course, Arky felt a spiritual aura around him. Interesting to note that Ferrell's creel was full--he had caught his limit!
I moved back to Glendive to live in a home across the street from Dick and Mary. Later I lived in Orem for a time, back to Glendive and am now in my 91st year living with my daughter Jeanne in Orem. I have had a full and rich life. This is a poem I wrote when I was a busy wife and mother in Glendive.
I Am Happy
Snow is falling soft and slow, Covering all the ground.
Hiding houses, trees, and bush, Falling lazily without sound.
I am snug and warm inside, Content to do my chores.
Glancing now and then outside, Glad I can stay indoors.
Hiding houses, trees, and bush, Falling lazily without sound.
I am snug and warm inside, Content to do my chores.
Glancing now and then outside, Glad I can stay indoors.
Men must work to make the living, Busy all the day.
But I can stay at home, And watch the children play.
To be a wife and mother, too, Is all that I shall ask.
But I can stay at home, And watch the children play.
To be a wife and mother, too, Is all that I shall ask.
For God is good and God is wise, In giving me this task.
I remember well the day I came home for lunch from the Orem-Geneva Times offfice. It was 1:00 pm. Mom's soap was on TV and Mom's Visiting Teacher was at the door knocking. I immediately became alarmed and rushed in the house. Doug was home, too, but hadn't thought to look for Mom because she was usually sleeping. I let Debby into the house and ran to the bedroom. Mom was on the floor in the bathroom. Looked like she'd just slipped down easily and she was lying full length on the floor. Her socks were off and in two diffferent places in the bedroom. Her shoes were scattered also. I yelled to Doug to call 911.
When she came home from the hospital that first time, I moved her into the small bedroom just off the living room in the front part of the house. I thought she'd enjoy looking out the window. We got a hospital bed so everything would be easier. We also had a practical nurse come in and together we bathed her every day. Insurance and Medicare took care of expenses. Mom accepted the changes but asked, "What happened?"
I quit my job as an editor-reporter and became a caretaker. All worked qute well but Mom had a hard time sleeping, especially since she wasn't getting much exercise. The nurse and I would move her limbs and massage her back and legs. At night I would put in Shirley Temple videos or others quite simple and comforting and she seemed to enjoy them. I just stretched out in the lounge chair I'd moved in there and even spent many nights there. It was very hard to get her up and try to walk with her. It would have done her good but her balance was poor and it was quite difficult. Her legs were the heaviest part of her body. I was afraid we'd both end up on the floor.
To her benefit, Mom was a very grateful patient and appreciated anything anybody did. She made few demands. She just slowly slipped into another world. Carole Fuqua and others visited her. Remember a family reunion? Mom was a little confused. When Mary Anderson came Mom seemed to realize she was a special person but wasn't sure who. She asked, "Is she my mother?" She could have meant, "Am I her mother?" Once she asked me where's Ferrell? I started to say, "Well, you know.." "Oh, I know THAT, but WHERE is he? I guess we'd all like to know the specifics on that. Mom did say one morning that it's like a party in her room every night. Everybody is here, she said, but asked, "Where is Elis?" He was her brother who died when he was 26, and she was about 20.